Josef Salah

Privet tour and Concierge Manager.

I have BA degree in hotel management with 30 years hotel experience. I love Czech Republic so much and Because of this I wanted to show it to everyone in a friendly way with unique experience. That's why I found My business partner because with him i know how to make your trip unforgettable. Josef Salah

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Lukas Cerny

Music and art concierge Manager

I have PHD in music and Art. So come with me to walk throw Prague and talk about the music and the composers who born or visit and stay in Prague. With Josef I will be able to make you fall in love with Prague the city of art and history. Lukas Cerny

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Josef & Lukas

Tours with Fun

We are not alone in the market but we are different than anyone. We take you as a friend not client. And we Make you feel like you know Prague for years. With us you will never feel stranger you will feel home. You will discover Prague and all Czech with your new friends in a very unique freindly environment. Josef & Lukas

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